Monday March 31, 2025
02 , Shawwal , 1446
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Saudi Arabia
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Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi 1
11 - 20 From 176 result
Muslims of India deprived of their rights
By Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi The landslide victory of the ultra-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the recent elections in India’s largest and most populous state of Uttar Pradesh is set to bring more difficulties and problems for Muslims in the country. ...
Suu Kyi’s position on ethnic cleansing in Myanmar
By Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi In a recent interview with the BBC, Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who is a Nobel Laureate, denied that there was any ethnic cleansing taking place in her country. She said: “I don’t think there is ...
Why some family businesses are not successful
By Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi In most cases, family businesses are those firms that are established and run by individuals. Sometimes, the individual owner gives a portion of the stake in the firm to his brothers or sons. The individual, usually from ...
Pakistanis celebrate their National Day
By Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi Pakistanis around the world recently celebrated the 78th anniversary of the adoption of the Pakistan Resolution or the Lahore Resolution as the National Day of the country. Leaders of the All India Muslim League adopted the resolution ...
Kofi Annan commission and gross human rights violations in Myanmar
By Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi KOFI Annan, former secretary general of the United Nations, recently released an interim report in his capacity as the head of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State in Myanmar. Aung San Suu Kyi, state counselor and foreign minister ...
JASTA: A clear violation of international law
international law
By Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi Many observers wonder about the timing and the haste in the adoption of the controversial law –Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) - by the two houses of the American Congress –the House of Representatives ...
Transforming family businesses into joint stock companies
Saudi Arabia
Capital Market Authority
joint stock companies
Ministry of Economy and Planning
Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi OKAZ newspaper recently published a report, which indicates about a government directive to the family businesses asking them to transform into joint stock companies. The directive, issued by the Ministry of Economy and Planning and the Capital Market ...
The unaffordable, exorbitant water bills
Saudi Arabia
National Water Company
Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi ALMIGHTY ALLAH has made water the basis for life. The Holy Qur’an says: “And we have made from water every living thing.” More than 60 years ago, Jeddah had been hit by acute shortage of water. This prompted King ...
Pakistanis celebrate 76th anniversary of Lahore Resolution
Pakistan Repatriation Council
Lahore Resolution
Pakistan National Day
Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi Pakistanis all over the world celebrated on March 23 their country's 76th National Day. On the same day in 1940, leaders of the All India Muslim League gathered in Lahore and adopted the historic Pakistan Resolution or the ...
Return to the past may spoil the present
The Daily Observer
Syed Badrul Ahsan
Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi I would not have written again about the incidents that led to the secession of East Pakistan and the creation of the new state of Bangladesh had I not noticed some points raised by Safi H. Jannaty in ...
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